Free-time Learning & Reading Plan

A post that will get updated over time listing my readings/learning goals starting from about 2023, hopefully correctly divided by subject.


I will try to divide the article by subjects:


My current “academic”-style learning goals are focused at the intersection between Physics & Computer Engineering.

After a classic Electromagnetism course, the paths start to diverge.

Common start

  • Physics I (Classical Mechanics) - MIT OCW 8.01 COMPLETED
  • Physics II (Electromagnetism) - MIT OCW 8.02 Up next: L29: LC and RLC Circuits

Physics & Maths

  • Differential Equations - MIT OCW
  • Multivariable Calculus - MIT OCW
  • Physics III - MIT OCW
  • Classical Mechanics - Stanford Lectures by Susskind
  • Something else by Susskind, Relativity / Quantum Mechanics
  • Statistical Physics - Maybe MIT OCW, maybe book


  • Differential Forms
  • Quantum Computing
  • Non-linear Dynamics & Chaos
  • Real Analysis Refresher


  • Circuits & Electronics - MIT OCW
  • Computation Structures - MIT OCW
  • Software Construction - MIT OCW
  • Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach - Kurose & Ross COMPLETED
  • Computer Systems Engineering - MIT
  • Databases - CMU
  • Operating Systems - Three easy pieces book Up Next: 5) Interlude: Process API
  • Distributed Systems
  • Compilers
  • Intro to theoretical computer science by Boaz Barak

Misc (to organize):


Software Development


Product Management & Startups

  • CS183: Startup Up next: Lecture 13 - How to be a Great Founder
  • Inspired COMPLETED


  • Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy COMPLETED
  • The Big Fat surprise COMPLETED
  • Dune 1 audiobook COMPLETED
  • Dune Messiah audiobook Up next Chapter 8
  • The Hobbit Up next: Chapter 14